Movie Night
Seneca Clubhouse Cattaraugus 12861 Route 438, IrvingThis month we'll be screening: Love, Simon. Call or email Raychel Schenandoah at or 716-532-8223 ext. 5566 to let us know you are coming!
Color Run
Celebrate LGBTQ+ pride & get colorful! All are welcome!
Senior Stretch
Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, IrvingClasses to be held Wednesdays starting 6/28, ending 8/30. Instructor: Andrea Spako, SNHS Exercise Specialist. Call Raven at 716-532-5777 for more information.
Regular Council Session
Regular Council Session @ SAAB.
Babysitter Training
Allegany Community Center MPR 3677 Administration Dr., SalamancaClass is for ages 12+ and will include lunch, hands-on lessons in child care, safety and development, the business of babysitting, and a Heartsaver Infant, Child, and Adult CPR, AED … Continued
Shark Week Movie Night
Seneca Clubhouse Cattaraugus 12861 Route 438, IrvingJaws is a fun, campy horror movie that is rated PG. For more information contact Raychel at: 716-532-8223 ext. 5566.
Rabies Vaccine Bait Drop to Begin August 15th
PRESS RELEASE – 08/01/2023 Cattaraugus County Health Department Rabies Vaccine Bait Drop Program Scheduled to Begin August 15th In coordination with the Cattaraugus County Department of Health, the United States … Continued