Known as the "Keeper of the Western Door"

Rabies Vaccination Clinic

Seneca Fire Hall (Cattaraugus) 12879 Route 438, Irving

Pre-registration is highly recommended, call 716-532-5582 ext. 5296. Please bring proof of previous vaccination.

Wellness Hour with Andrea

Allegany Elder Center 3644 Administration Drive, Salamanca

DASH Diet, week 2. Follow up on starting the DASH, get new recipes, work with barriers, have one-to-one support and group support.


Wellness Wednesday Hour with Andrea

Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, Irving

Classes include chair yoga, exercises stations, nutrition education with demo, and exercise bingo. Call Raven Lay at AOA with any questions, 716-532-5777.

Family Paint Night

Seneca Clubhouse Allegany 983 RC Hoag Drive, Salamanca

RSVP with Malesia or Lori at 716-945-1790 ext. 3649.

Wellness Hour with Andrea

Allegany Elder Center 3644 Administration Drive, Salamanca

DASH Diet, week 3. Follow up with progress, talk about challenges, get new recipes, have one-to-one support as well as group support.


Wellness Wednesday Hour with Andrea

Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, Irving

Classes include chair yoga, exercises stations, nutrition education with demo, and exercise bingo. Call Raven Lay at AOA with any questions, 716-532-5777.

DIY Face Masks

Cattaraugus Community Health & Wellness Center – Grandroom 36 Thomas Indian School Dr., Irving

Call BHU to reserve your seat at 716-532-5583. Sponsored by Seneca Nation Health System BHU and Crime Victim Services.