Known as the "Keeper of the Western Door"


Wellness Wednesday Hour with Andrea

Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, Irving

Classes include chair yoga, exercises stations, nutrition education with demo, and exercise bingo. Call Raven Lay at AOA with any questions, 716-532-5777.

Wellness Hour with Andrea

Allegany Elder Center 3644 Administration Drive, Salamanca

Love Your Heart. Tips on stress busters and sleep. Learn how stress affects the heart and ways to manage stress. Andrea will also go over the importance of quality sleep … Continued


Wellness Wednesday Hour with Andrea

Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, Irving

Classes include chair yoga, exercises stations, nutrition education with demo, and exercise bingo. Call Raven Lay at AOA with any questions, 716-532-5777.

Wellness Hour with Andrea

Allegany Elder Center 3644 Administration Drive, Salamanca

Do the DASH! Introduction to the DASH diet plan and how to get started. You will understand how the DASH diet lowers your blood pressure, you will receive tools to … Continued

Parenting Discussion Group

Seneca Clubhouse Allegany 983 RC Hoag Drive, Salamanca

Call Deanna for more information at 716-945-8413 ext. 3354.


Wellness Wednesday Hour with Andrea

Wini Kettle Senior Center 28 Thomas Indian School Drive, Irving

Classes include chair yoga, exercises stations, nutrition education with demo, and exercise bingo. Call Raven Lay at AOA with any questions, 716-532-5777.