Allegany Community Center
The goal of the Allegany Community Center is to support the social, spiritual, cultural and physical well being of our community. The Allegany Community Center will foster healthy lifestyles for our Seneca community through socialization, recreation, education and athletics.
The Seneca Nation Area Office for the Aging (SNI AOA) was established to ensure that Seneca Elders have the opportunity to age with dignity, manage their own lives and remain independent and productive members of the Seneca community and within their families.
Cannabis Department
The mission of the Cannabis Department is to promote the sovereign interests of the Seneca Nation of Indians, to spur on-Territory economic development, and provide for the general welfare of the Seneca Nation of Indians and its members.
Cattaraugus Community Center
The Cattaraugus Community Center, or the "CCC", is a fitness facility located in Irving, NY. Under the authority of the Seneca Nation of Indians, the CCC's mission is to help promote healthy life styles for all of it's members. We have a variety of amenities and services including: a fitness center, an in-door track, a gymnasium, an arena, room rentals, classes, and much more.
Clerk's Office
The utmost function of the Clerk's Office is the recording, preparation, certification and storage of the official records of the Seneca Nation. The Clerk's Office has an integral affiliation with the Tribal Council, Executives, Judicial Departments, Fiscal and other program departments.
Community Planning and Development
The Community Planning Development Department provides professional planning services that fosters the efficient utilization of Seneca resources; promotes self-empowerment; and supports the development of a sustainable, diversified, and vibrant economy for the benefit of the entire Seneca Nation.
The Conservation Department was established in 1977 by SNI Council resolution for the creation of a department responsible for enforcement of SNI laws, ordinances and codes dealing with hunting, fishing, conservation, environmental, sand and gravel and solid waste ordinances.
Credit Union
The Seneca Nation of Indians Federal Credit Union (SNIFCU) is a non-profit, member-owned cooperative financial institution. We will strive to educate our members in financial planning, saving money and ultimately providing credit when needed.
Crime Victim Services
Crime Victim Services assists victims and survivors of crime with services to promote healing, well-being, and safety. Providing Assistance to any victims of crime for the Seneca Nation Community.
Department of Public Works
The Department of Public Works (DPW) primary function is to maintain the Seneca Nation of Indians buildings and grounds. The secondary function is to assist elders and disabled community members with the following services that includes; lawn mowing and snow removal. The DPW will also provide labor for minor home repairs such as; carpentry, plumbing, limited electrical assistance, and burial assistance.
Department of Transportation
The Seneca Nation encompass a transportation system that balances the Nation’s rich culture and heritage with modern, high quality features; a system that is safe, sustainable, and accessible for all who live, work, play, and travel throughout the Nation.
Disability Services
Seneca Nation Disability Services' mission is to focus on our members under 60 years of age with disabilities. Our goal is to make our territories disability friendly and ensure members receive a quality life.
Environmental Protection
The Environmental Protection Department was created in 1992 to provide a wide array of services for the Seneca communities, along with regulating and permitting environmentally sensitive issues within all territories of the Seneca Nation.
Food Distribution Program (SNIFDP)
The Seneca Nation food distribution program is a federally funded program that provides a nutritious food package to eligible participants living on or near the Alleghany and Cattaraugus territories. Eligibility is based on income and those on a fixed income are automatically eligible.
Gakwi:yo:h Farms
Gakwi:yo:h Farms addresses food security and food sovereignty through community engagement and wellness by implementing a Haudenosaunee approach to agricultural practices. Our goal is to produce healthy food, employ quality food processing procedures and make these foods available to our community members, from field to table.
The Seneca Nation Geographic Information Services (GIS) Division creates, compiles and maintains geographic data for utilization by Nation Departments and the Administration for project planning, development and analysis.
Housing Department
The Seneca Nation Housing Authority was founded in 1968 to provide housing for low-income native families through Homebuyer Education and Assistance, Rental Housing, Elder Housing and Homebuyer Opportunities.
The Seneca Nation has libraries on both the Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories. Library programs provide informational, cultural and recreational services for Seneca members.
Maps & Boundaries
The Seneca Nation Maps & Boundaries Department has been in existence for 25 years. One of the main responsibilities of this department is surveying.
Media & Communications Center
The Seneca Media and Communications Center (SMCC) provides graphic design, photography, videography, social media, event management, and other multimedia services to the Nation. Check out the SMCC on social media … Continued
The Seneca Nation Mortgage Program (SNMP) was created in 2004 to offer home mortgages to enrolled members of the Seneca Nation. The program offers mortgage help for existing home mortgage … Continued
Seneca Buffalo Creek Office
Buffalo Native Resource Center provides numerous resources to all off-territory Seneca’s. BNRC provides Seneca Language, Culture Programs and all Holiday programs for our tribal members living off-territory. BNRC also provides tutoring services and High School Graduation Banquet & Awards for our Off-Territory Tribal members yearly.
Seneca Energy
Seneca Energy aims to ensure the security, prosperity and independence of the Seneca Nation by building a sustainable energy platform through wind & solar while also lowering energy costs for the Nation and its residents.
Seneca Language
The mission of the Allegany Language Department, Ögwaiwanösde’ Ögwawënö’ (we cherish our language) is to promote conversational Seneca language use.
Seneca Transit
The Seneca Transit System (STS) is a public bus service that provides transportation for all area residents on the Allegany and Cattaraugus Territories and surrounding communities of Western New York.
SNI Official Newsletter
The Seneca Nation Official Newsletter has been in existence for over 30 years. It has grown from just a few pages to the current 32 page spread to an online news site.
Steamburg Community Center
The goal of the Steamburg Community Center is to support the social, spiritual, cultural and physical well being of our community. The Steamburg Community Center will foster healthy lifestyles for … Continued
Training & Employment Resource Center (TERC)
The Training & Employment Resource Center is assisting Seneca youth and adults to succeed in the workforce, encourage self-sufficiency, learn about the work world, and facilitate the creation of job opportunities and any services related to these activities.
Tribal Advocate
The Tribal Advocate Program provides assistance to enrolled members of the Seneca Nation of Indians in emergency situations. These services include Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance, Minor Home Repair, Emergency Food from Pantry and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO)
As individuals, Native American people have unique and special employment rights. They have the right to preference in employment under tribal and several federal laws. The Seneca Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office is to enforce this Indian preference in employment within the exterior boundaries of any Seneca Nation lands and all other economic opportunities on or near the boundaries of the Seneca Nation of Indians.
Tribal Utilities Department
The Utilities Department is responsible for the management and operation of drinking water production and transmission systems.
The overall goal of the Veterans Department is to improve the quality of life for our Veterans and their dependents. The department would achieve this goal by providing direct services to Veterans and serving as a Liaison between Tribal Veterans and federal agencies.
Visitor Economy Management Office
The Seneca Nation’s Visitor Economy Management Office (VEMO) stewards and promotes economic growth within the Seneca Nation through tourism. This is essential to create and support opportunities and build quality … Continued